Ayurveda - 'Science of Life' |
Ayurveda: It is believed to be the oldest treatment method in the world (more than 3500 years old). Plants are used for preparing the medicines. Nowadays Ayurveda has become very popular among the tourists, especially foreigners. Patients from all over the world are coming here for Ayurveda treatment.
The literal meaning of Ayurveda is 'Science of Life'. The system is passed on traditionally from master to disciples orally. 'Thaliyola', palm leaf, was used for writing medical details. 'Narayam', an iron pin, was used as pen. The disciples used to stay in the master's house, which is known a 'Gurukula'.
Now the traditional knowledge has been improved through scientific research and is taught in various Ayurveda Colleges in Kerala. Becoming a graduate doctor in Ayurveda takes 5 years of courses at college besides six months of internship and is considered on par with doctors of modern medicine.
Ayurveda is based on the Vedic philosophy of healthy living as prescribed in the 'Atharvaveda', a Vedic text on Hindu philosophy. It is a system of preventive medicine which provides remedies for various illnesses and prescribes ideal lifestyles to prevent the onset of sickness and disease. The majority of Ayurvedic medicines are not mass produced, as Ayurveda treatment is based on the premise that every person has an individualized constitution and medicines have to be tailored to suit the individual. According to Ayurveda, the human body comprises of 3 constituents known as the 'Tridoshas'. They are 'Vatha', 'Pitha' and 'Kapha'. Through these constituents vary from person to person, one of the 'Tridoshas' predominates over the other two. This predominance can be identified by the physical and emotional characteristics of a person ("personality types"). Accordingly, two people suffering from the same ailment may be prescribed different medicines to suit their constitutions
To stay healthy, the Tridoshas need to function in harmony with each other, as well as with the five basic elements of the Universe (Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether). Most illnesses arise due to the imbalance in functioning of any one or two of the Tridoshas which leads to a malfunction of the internal organs. Although Ayurveda acknowledges that infective diseases are spread by germs, the treatment is based on the theory of Tridoshas. Ayurveda does not 'kill' an infection like antibiotics but instead it strengthens body's immune system to fight disease or infection.
The more popular Ayurvedic programmes among the tourists are rejuvenation therapies (oil massages, herbal baths etc.) and yoga. Ayurveda is sometimes considered a better alternative in certain cases of jaundice, paralysis, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, spinal problems, gastric or peptic ulcers etc.
General cautions for some treatments
- 'Pizhichil' (oil massage) is not recommended for persons with serious liver and renal problems.
Blood parameters should be checked and kept at a safe level before starting any of the intensive treatments.
Whole body 'Navarakizhi' is not recommended for patients suffering from diabetes, obesity and serious cardiac, hepatic and renal patients.
'Sirodhara' (head bath with medicated milk or oil) is not recommended in case of cerebral thrombosis.
Intensive steam baths should be done under the guidance of the physician.

This treatment includes a body massage with hand & foot by medicated oil and cream followed by a Dhara Therapy. This therapy is for 90 hours per session. It is good to rejuvenate mind, body and soul, tone up the skin, to strengthen the whole system so as to achieve ideal health and longevity. This reduces stress & stones the nervous system.
This programme includes massages with oil, powder and cream followed by a herbal body therapy, herbal face therapy, medicated steam bath, herbal tea etc. This therapy coos the entire body, improves blood circulation, gives your skin a clear complexion and beautifies the body figure.
It is the process of purifying the whole body to attain a proper balance of Vatha, Pitha and Kapha on Panchakarma and Swetakarma treatment. This will also purify the gunas and doshas of the mind viz. Satwa, Rajans and Thamas. The package process includes body massage Snehapanam, Nasyam, Virechanam, (medicated purgative) sneha vasthi, kashayaVasthi, Pizhichil, Gnavarakkizhi, Tharpanam, Sirovasthi, Karnpoornam and a medicated steam bath.
This programme includes massages, intake of herbal juice, herbal preparations and some minor exercises. A special AYURVEDA diet is advised during this period, this includes two types of massages.
1. Medicated herbal powder massage
2. Medicated herbal oil massage